Cardano's decentralisation grows despite crises

Decentralisation is at the heart of the Cardano protocol. This feature is taken care of by the team and the community. Cardano must be incorruptible, uncensorable, unstoppable, applications uninfluenceable, and the history of the blockchain must remain immutable forever. There is only one way to reliably achieve this and that is decentralization. Blockchain networks must survive long bear markets. During these, unexpected crises such as the current drama surrounding the FTX exchange can suddenly occur. The pressure on the key features of blockchain networks, but also DeFi services, is growing and must withstand all the challenges. Let’s take a look at how Cardano manages to maintain a high level of decentralization.


  • The number of addresses with fewer ADA coins is growing. The largest number of addresses are those with 100-1K ADA coins.
  • There are 1,12M accounts that stake 10-1K ADA coins.
  • The number of staked ADA coins has been steadily increasing and crossed the 25B mark in Epoch 364.
  • ADA holders stake 72% of all coins in circulation.
  • There were no major changes in decentralization during the drama surrounding the FTX exchange.

This article was prepared by Cardanians with support from Cexplorer.

Read the article: Cardano's decentralisation grows despite crises | Cardano Explorer