Successfully transferred ADA from Daedalus to Yoroi 2 years ago using Ledger Nano S, then did not look again until last week. 24 word Ledger seed retrieved from bank safety deposit box & entered in correct order, but wallet recovered had no ADA. Never wrote down the wallet name or spending password.
2 questions: 1 The Nano S used for the Yoroi was subsequently used for a Casa 2 of 3 multi-sig BTC wallet. Could this explain the failure to recover the Yoroi wallet? Casa people say no. 2 Three years ago I set up a mirror Ledger Nano S. I am not sure whether the original Nano S or the mirror was used in setting up the Yoroi (but I tried both and both failed to recover the Yoroi). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Hi @Jessica32 Could it be you added a “Pass phrase” to your wallet?
A Pass phrase is a kind of extra password on top of your 24 word seed.
Really good idea but haven’t used this with the Ledger. Thanks.
OK, just to be 100% sure. Did you go through all the steps depicted here:
Yes, each and every step. Thank you.
Did u solved the issue?
Never wrote down the wallet name or spending password.
U don’t need them…
Can u tell me how did u tried to recover the wallet (step by step)
In 2018 we were in byron era so now u will need to restore the byron wallet
connect ledger to yoroi- go to add wallet (byron erra) - connect ledger
Step by step: Ledger Live v 2.25.1, Ledger Nano S v 1.6.1, Cardano v 2.2.1 so all uptodate and synchronized. Yoroi Chrome extension is main net v 4.3.2. Add new wallet>Connect to Hardware wallet>Cardano>Ledger Hardware wallet> Chose ERA-> Byron-era (read only wallet)> connect> Ledger Nano S. BUT at insert security key with Emurgo, I had no key so after unlocking my Nano S again, I chose the other built in sensor option but got a “something went wrong- your identity could not be verified” but then timed out.
I then tried: Add new wallet>Restore wallet> Cardano> entered wallet name, 24 word Ledger seed phrase in correct order then spending password but the wallet created had no ADA.
I appreciate your help.
Thank you Jessica for all the details…
now, do you know if u set a password for the ledger?
I never set that up.
How long does “Loading wallet data” usually take? Should I have logged into Ledger Live before “Unlock with Ledger”?
Yeah, start ledger live and cardano app on ledger
Wow. There it is- my ADA still there. Thanks.
What next?
So u didn’t migrated the ADA to shelley right?
Next is to create a shelley wallet in yoroi and move ada from byron to sheley
Open yoroi- add wallet (shelley era) - connect ledger and set the wallet name … etc
U should see 0 ada… then send 10 ada from adalite to yoroi and check if in yoroi u see the 10 ADA added to the balance
If everything is fine, u can send all amount from adalite to yoroi
then u can start delegation for earning rewards
My Adalite wallet timed out. Not sure where it went. Do I have to create a new Adalite wallet and use the new wallet to send ADA to the newly created Yoroi, or is the original Adalite somewhere that I must use the original?
Also, my newly created Yoroi wallet has a 15 word seed phrase. Will I be using that instead of my Ledgers’s 24 word seed phrase? Thanks so much.
Wait, something u did wrong
U created a simple yoroi wallet?
Anyway bkp the 15 seed words till u move the funds to ledger shelley wallet
so u will need to open chrome yoroi extension:
- add wallet (shelley era)
- connect ledger NOT create new
All this time keep cardano app open on ledger
Do not insert the ledger 24 seed words in any other apps… u will use it only to restore the ledger
Sorry. I am at Confirm Transaction to transfer Byron era wall to new Shelly wallet. Should I upgrade or skip?
Not sure which new Shelley wallet though???
Ok, then… u connected the ledger to yoroi?