Casual Cardano Community Meet-Up in Berlin [24.06.23]

Hey Cardano Enthusiasts! :tada:

We’re stoked to announce a casual meet-up for the thriving Cardano blockchain community in the heart of Berlin! :rocket:

Come, join us on June 24th 2023, and let’s deep dive into the world of Cardano, blockchain tech., smart contracts, and everything else! :brain:

Event Details:
:round_pushpin:Location: TBA, most likely some Beergarden in Berlin.
:clock2: Time: 5:00 PM onward
:tickets: Admission: Free (Bring your Cardano stories and questions)

What’s on the menu? :face_with_monocle:
:speech_balloon: Lively discussions about the Cardano ecosystem and its future.
:busts_in_silhouette: Networking with fellow Cardano enthusiasts.
🫱🏻‍🫲🏾 Share your insights and experiences with Cardano.

This is a fantastic opportunity to meet, mingle and exchange ideas with like-minded people, whether you’re a long-time hodler, developer, or just curious about the Cardano blockchain ecosystem.

Remember, we’re all here to learn, share, and contribute to Cardano’s vision! :star2::earth_africa:

Please RSVP by June 22nd, so we know you’re joining the fun! :+1:

See you in Berlin!
Best, Bastian

See also: [RECAP] Casual Cardano Community Meet-Up in Berlin [24.06.23]