Catalyst f10 improvement strategy presentation

Some community members have worked on building the infrastructure and strategy for making Catalyst work better. In particular, coming up with a decentralised strategy for improving Catalyst.

The purpose is to present our suggestions to the community, get input and get more people involved in the work!

Location = Catalyst United Discord

Time = Thursday Oct 20th, 19:00-20:00 UTC

Slides = Catalyst United - Google Slides

Link to join Discord = Catalyst United

Link to discord event = Discord

Please spread the word!


Thanks for posting and it would have been great to attend but it wasn’t possible.
Is there an update or what were the outcomes?

Hey @quasar! There wasn’t much of outcome as this was more a “hey this is what we’re doing” so that you and others would be inspired enough to join next meeting and take on some tasks etc!:slight_smile:

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Feel free to take a look at my stuff: Legal Framework that Goes With My Catalyst Nomination for Those Interested in Governance - #8 by Official_Jornlr