CF Delegation Application Form is open for the next round (July 2023)


Hello Cardano community,

We’re excited to announce that the application form for the next Cardano Foundation delegation round is now open! You can access the form here: Delegation Application Form.

We’ve simplified the form considerably, requesting only essential information such as your poolID in bech32 (pool1…) and a request for summarizing your recent contributions to the Cardano ecosystem. The form will stay open until July 04, 2023 at 23:00 (GMT+1).

For more details on the delegation strategy itself, check out Cardano Foundation’s New Delegation Methodology: Supporting the Architects of the Future.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of you that participated in the inaugural SPO Poll. Please follow our social media channels for further updates about this topic.

Visit the delegation application form now and apply before the deadline. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity!

Thank you for being a part of the Cardano community!



Thank you to everyone with Cardano Foundation who works so hard to bring delegations to us in the community.

Have you ever wondered how a more decentralized delegation strategy may work? If you may be interested, please consider cardano-improvement-proposals/CIP-x/ at main · paradoxicalsphere/cardano-improvement-proposals · GitHub as one possible, prelimary idea.

When CIP-1694 is implemented, perhaps such a proposal may be considered for a vote, at some point in time.

Paradoxical Sphere
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