Change the database path

Until a week ago the daedalus wallet worked, in the main directory I had a “daedalus.bat” file in which you could indicate alternative routes to the database. Now after updating, the daedalus.bat file is gone, if I try running a saved copy of it, it crashes. Is there any technical support to contact?

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Seems the .bat file is no longer used, I don’t know how or if paths can be customised now. :frowning:

Good!!! Very good!!!

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Fantastic!!! I’m serious!!

OK, I’ll bite: why is this good?

I need to change the main blockchain database path, the old method i know, it’s by this batch file called “daedalus.bat”

@echo off
start /D "%DAEDALUS_DIR%" cardano-launcher.exe --updater-windows-runner "%APPDATA%\Daedalus\Installer.bat" --node "%DAEDALUS_DIR%\cardano-node.exe" --node-log-path "%APPDATA%\Daedalus\Logs\cardano-node.log" --db-path "%APPDATA%\Daedalus\DB-1.0" --wallet "%DAEDALUS_DIR%\Daedalus.exe" --launcher-logs-prefix "%APPDATA%\Daedalus\Logs\pub" --updater "%APPDATA%\Daedalus\Installer.exe"  --configuration-file "%DAEDALUS_DIR%\configuration.yaml" --configuration-key "mainnet_wallet_win64" --node-timeout 30 ^
-n --report-server ^
-n ^
-n --log-config ^
-n log-config-prod.yaml ^
-n --update-latest-path ^
-n "%APPDATA%\Daedalus\Installer.exe" ^
-n --keyfile ^
-n "%APPDATA%\Daedalus\Secrets-1.0\secret.key" ^
-n --logs-prefix ^
-n "%APPDATA%\Daedalus\Logs" ^
-n --db-path ^
-n "%APPDATA%\Daedalus\DB-1.0" ^
-n --wallet-db-path ^
-n "%APPDATA%\Daedalus\Wallet-1.0" ^
-n --update-server ^
-n ^
-n --update-with-package ^
-n --no-ntp ^
-n --tlscert ^
-n "%DAEDALUS_DIR%\tls\server\server.crt" ^
-n --tlskey ^
-n "%DAEDALUS_DIR%\tls\server\server.key" ^
-n --tlsca ^
-n "%DAEDALUS_DIR%\tls\ca\ca.crt" ^
-n --topology ^
-n "%DAEDALUS_DIR%\wallet-topology.yaml"

Sorry, still don’t see why that file being no longer required is a good thing if you’re using a non-standard setup.

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I was sarcastic

OK, sorry, not at my brightest this morning…

Can someone help me?

You can contact support here

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Send the logs and describe the problem. I would think that this would not be a difficult fix.

Umm, do you guys realise what’s wanted here is the ability to customise paths? I can pretty much guarantee support have their hands full with problems arising from normal usage.

In windows 10 you can go to “settings - system - storage - change where new content is saved” and set a different drive for all app data storage; for that user… This will create a new “username” folder on that drive, including all the trimmings like AppData. It only works for this case if done before the Daedalus install. But still a handy tip for anyone using an SSD and wanting to save space on the OS drive… If you don’t want to reinstall follow this tutorial…

it seems to work, mmmmm…

Hi, i have new problem with cardano wallet, it’s not able to syncing, it display me: “Sync trouble”

Sorry, but if you have a new problem then start a new topic, describing it in as much detail as possible. For instance, is the message really “Sync trouble”? I’ve never heard of that one, but maybe it’s right. Tell us that, and everything else you can think of, in a new topic please. And it would be very good if you could spend some time studying this first:

I’m trying to send a report by that button

That’s a question, not an error message. If the Syncing blocks number gets stuck for a long time or goes backward, then there’s an issue which you can report using that button. Also, in that case, look at the FAQ I linked above.