When I try to open my Daedalus Wallet using “C:\Program Files\Daedalus Mainnet\cardano-launcher.exe” it keeps crashing
Whenever I try to open my Daedalus Wallet, it keeps giving “Cardano node crashed” message and won’t open the wallet
I noticed there are 2 .exe files related to cardano wallet
“C:\Program Files\Daedalus Mainnet\cardano-launcher.exe”
"C:\Program Files\Daedalus Mainnet\cardano-wallet-byron.exe’
Have I been using the wrong .exe file to open my Daedalus Wallet since the upgrade?
No, cardano-launcher.exe is correct. You could try some of the things suggested here, or you could wait and see whether the next version, due very soon, behaves better.
I believe there will be a version that allows ITN reward checking first, then finally another for reward reclamation and staking, but for all I know these could be three different versions, or all rolled into one. I don’t keep such a close watch on things nowadays, others will know more on this, maybe one of them will chime in.