Checking a new stake pool setup?

I just moved my stake pool (MYADA) to a new machine on a new network. I verified to my best. And it seems to be fine.

I wonder if there are any external checking tool which can help to make sure the new node is running fine (e.g., JSON hash, web page, ports, certificates, etc) I don’t want to get a surprise when it is my turn to mint a block.

Thanks! is usually a good tool, but it looks like it is down at the moment.

  • check glive output for peers IN/OUT, TX processed, KES expiration period,

  • check the certificate using (update the path and use op.cert for cntools users)

cardano-cli query kes-period-info --op-cert-file node.cert --mainnet

  • metadata does not affect the minting process (it is use only to show the pool informations on sites like adapools, etc)


Thanks for the checklist.

Are you sure about the las point? Metadata has a hash value registered on chain. What would go wrong if the hash doesn’t match the content?

The pool can’t be found by ticker/name … only by pool ID (possible also to not be present on daedalus but in any case u will not lose blocks beacuse of it)


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