CNODE install

I have cardano-node in /home/myname/cardano-node
I installed guild cnode and it went in /opt/cardano/cnode/ and ran the topology updater from there

Should I merge the files in opt into the ones in home?

I can change the cnode directory in env but everywhere in the scripts where it says do not edit bellow, it mentions /op/cardano/cnode…

what a nightmare

After ls -l
Are your files there?
Then you don’t have to modify anything

I set the variable of $CNODE_HOME to my current cardano-node dir so yes ls shows my files but gliveview says I didnt set my socket in env but I did set it in both locations

Yes, you need to edit env and cnode file…
Can you post the outputs here ?

This would all be automatic if you ran your relay like this …

docker run --detach \
    --name=relay \
    -p 3001:3001 \
    -v shelley-data:/opt/cardano/data \
    nessusio/cardano run

Further details of this are here