CNtools, Testnet

maybe needs to sync a bit longer before running topologyupdater ?

Nope but the node is on epoch 297 and the testnet working on 164 I think… rename the files from db folder (folders: ledger, immutable and volatile) and let the node to sync again

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rename entire db directory?



looks like its working

Having trouble running ./gLiveview, but it says node is running. Maybe just needs to sync a little bit

wait for the node to start.

type again sudo systemctl status cnode
journalctl -e -f -u cnode


replace the protocol magic number inside the protocolMagicID file

replace it with 1097911063?

yes, and restart the node then try again journalctl -e -f -u cnode
and top - you should see the CPU ~100%

Awesome got it!got it

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now, can you try to stop the node and rename back the files from db folder? I am curious if it will start in good epoch (164)

okay trying now

Still on “status: starting”


ok, then rename back and let the node to sync properly; should not take so much

Will do, as always, thanks for your help…you are amazing!

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