Is there an easy way to switch to testnet on CNtools?
yes, run the -n (if I remember well) and the files for testnet will be downloaded
Okay, Im assuming I need to shutdown my node, and rebuild using -n flag entirely
not rebuild you will need only the files for tesnet, just stop the node then go to
cd ~/tmp
./ -n
then start again the node, go to cntools create a new wallet and check if it has test_addr1 (testnet)
Ill give it a try! Thank you as always
Appears that didn’t work, still on the mainnet. Didn’t add testnet config files.
hmm, try ./ -f -n
Type nano topology.json . Do u have the testnet IOHK nodes inside?
"Producers": [
"addr": "",
"port": 3001,
"valency": 2
Doesnt not appear so, so I need to change that
Strange, try to delete the files folder
rm -R files
Then run again -n
Then check inside the topology file
Still the same files and mainnet addr
Try -n testnet -f
Its looks like that did the trick.
Now update the (custom peers)