If I understood the roadmap well enough, only the »coguen release«
of the cardano project might contain a voting center: You will be
able to vote for software updates according to the stakes you
own. (Delegation possible.) I think there is more to this, and it
might be way more important than it seems to be at the first glance:
From my experience, human resources is the crucial point in software
development, and this should also hold true for the cardano project,
I think. There are never enough gifted programmers around, you
cannot find them easily, the will not find you easily …
I am a software developer myself, and I thought a lot about the
impact that distributed systems might have on software development,
and how they could help solve this problem.
Two years ago, the most evident way to go seemed to me, to combine a
build server with a blockchain ledger in order to create a very
simple incentive system: The build server would run automatic unit
tests. For every commit that first turns a unit test into success, a
crypto reward will be paid out automatically to the committer,
triggered by a smart contract.
So, for simple cases, this might attract a large community of
developers (not hired, not contracted) that could contribute to a
specific project and stick to basic quality standards at the same time.
The next step is obvious: Set up some sort of »voting system«, that
opens up the project source to any developer that might be willing
to contribute, while the voting system itself ensures that only
contributions fitting quality and requirements will end up in the
system and will be rewarded financially and automatically. What a
bright future that would be for developers, who could choose their
projects freely and prove their ambitions where ever they would
like to …
What do you think?