Configuring Cardano Node 1.35.4 testnet preview

cardano node 1.29.0 (built from source)

all preview config files from curl-O -J commands 
curl -O -J
curl -O -J
curl -O -J
curl -O -J
curl -O -J
curl -O -J
curl -O -J



cardano-node run \
--config /home/ec2-user/cardano-src/relay/config.json \
--topology /home/ec2-user/cardano-src/relay/topology.json \
--database-path /home/ec2-user/cardano-src/relay/db \
--socket-path /home/ec2-user/cardano-src/relay/db/node.socket \
--host-addr \
--port 3001


Listening on
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.networkMagic:Notice:5] [2023-01-13 02:07:03.72 UTC] NetworkMagic 2
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.basicInfo.protocol:Notice:5] [2023-01-13 02:07:03.72 UTC] Byron; Shelley
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.basicInfo.version:Notice:5] [2023-01-13 02:07:03.72 UTC] 1.29.0
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.basicInfo.commit:Notice:5] [2023-01-13 02:07:03.72 UTC] 4c59442958072657812c6c0bb8e0b4ab85ce1ba2
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.basicInfo.nodeStartTime:Notice:5] [2023-01-13 02:07:03.72 UTC] 2023-01-13 02:07:03.723394 UTC
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.basicInfo.systemStartTime:Notice:5] [2023-01-13 02:07:03.72 UTC] 2022-10-25 00:00:00 UTC
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotLengthByron:Notice:5] [2023-01-13 02:07:03.72 UTC] 20s
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.basicInfo.epochLengthByron:Notice:5] [2023-01-13 02:07:03.72 UTC] 4320
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotLengthShelley:Notice:5] [2023-01-13 02:07:03.72 UTC] 1s
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.basicInfo.epochLengthShelley:Notice:5] [2023-01-13 02:07:03.72 UTC] 86400
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotsPerKESPeriodShelley:Notice:5] [2023-01-13 02:07:03.72 UTC] 129600
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotLengthAllegra:Notice:5] [2023-01-13 02:07:03.72 UTC] 1s
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.basicInfo.epochLengthAllegra:Notice:5] [2023-01-13 02:07:03.72 UTC] 86400
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotsPerKESPeriodAllegra:Notice:5] [2023-01-13 02:07:03.72 UTC] 129600
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotLengthMary:Notice:5] [2023-01-13 02:07:03.72 UTC] 1s
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.basicInfo.epochLengthMary:Notice:5] [2023-01-13 02:07:03.72 UTC] 86400
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotsPerKESPeriodMary:Notice:5] [2023-01-13 02:07:03.72 UTC] 129600
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotLengthAlonzo:Notice:5] [2023-01-13 02:07:03.72 UTC] 1s
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.basicInfo.epochLengthAlonzo:Notice:5] [2023-01-13 02:07:03.72 UTC] 86400
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.basicInfo.slotsPerKESPeriodAlonzo:Notice:5] [2023-01-13 02:07:03.72 UTC] 129600

Shutting down…

cardano-node: FatalError 
{fatalErrorMessage = "Cardano.Node.Run.handleSimpleNode.readTopologyFile: Is your topology file formatted correctly? 
The port and valency fields should be numerical. Error in $: empty"}

any idea what I’m doing wrong?

1.29.0 is well out of date. Can you build 1.35.4 (latest) and try again?

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I tried but I couldn’t fix the HsOpenSSL <= in the cabal.project file when I was compiling it. The only version that I could fetch without that issue was the cardano node 1.29.0

Have you had a look at this post? Failed to build HsOpenSSL- when building Cardano node - #6 by georgem1976

Yup, I tried both <= and == and reboot the ec2 but it didn’t workout.

Also, are you using ubuntu? Ubuntu 22.04 doesn’t work well for the build. But 20.04 is supported Release Cardano Node 1.35.4 · input-output-hk/cardano-node · GitHub

I’m using Amazon Linux 2 Kernel 5.10 AMI 2.0.20221210.1 x86_64 HVM gp2

and just to be sure, you got the “s” right in HsOpenSSL. I’ve spent a long time with some errors to find I just mashed the keyboard wrong.

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hahaha I know that feeling. Yap, I noticed the lowercase but same thing with the HsOpenSSL.

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What build errors do you get when trying to build 1.35.4? And are you following a guide for it?

I’m following the official documentation.

I had the HsOpenSSl issue with cardano node 1.35.3 and 1.35.4

btw I was able to run the 1.29.0 node but during sync (at about 85%) I I got cardano.node.DnsSubscription:Error:9421 testnet 1.29.0

But I was playing around and I messed out everything so I launched another instance again Cardano node 1.29.0 but I got stuck

I’ve followed the coincashew guide sucessefully before Guide: How to Set Up a Cardano Stake Pool - CoinCashew

And @Alexd1985 has a good guide for CNTools here somewhere.

Yeah, I don’t think that version will work anymore.

ec2 Amazon Linux 2 Kernel 5.10 AMI 2.0.20221210.1 x86_64 HVM gp2
Cardano node 1.35.4 from source. Following official documentation
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 8.10.7
cabal-install version
compiled using version of the Cabal library

Before running
cabal configure --with-compiler=ghc-8.10.7

I ran cabal update
changed in cabal.project HSOpenSSL >= to HsOpenSSL ==
reboot the instance
created an AMI

Then I ran cabal build cardano-node cardano-cli

I got:

Failed to build HsOpenSSL- The failure occurred during the conf igure
Build log (
/home/ec2-user/.cabal/logs/ghc-8.10.7/HsOpenSSL- 09a9f33afa2ee178c78db20243d373c92c719b2ba30bf5741.log
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( /home/ec2-user/cardano-src/cardano -node/dist-newstyle/tmp/src-2843/HsOpenSSL-, /home/ec2-user/cardano-src/cardano-node/dist-newstyle/tmp/src-2843/HsOp enSSL- )
Linking /home/ec2-user/cardano-src/cardano-node/dist-newstyle/tmp/src-28 43/HsOpenSSL- …
Configuring HsOpenSSL-…
setup: Missing dependencies on foreign libraries:

  • Missing (or bad) header file: openssl/asn1.h
  • Missing (or bad) C libraries: ssl, crypto
    This problem can usually be solved by installing the system packages tha t
    provide these libraries (you may need the “-dev” versions). If the libra ries
    are already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use th e
    flags --extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where they are.If
    the library files do exist, it may contain errors that are caught by the C
    compiler at the preprocessing stage. In this case you can re-run configu re
    with the verbosity flag -v3 to see the error messages.
    If the header file does exist, it may contain errors that are caught by the C
    compiler at the preprocessing stage. In this case you can re-run configu re
    with the verbosity flag -v3 to see the error messages.

cabal: Failed to build HsOpenSSL- (which is required by
test:cardano-node-test from cardano-node-1.35.4, exe:cardano-node from
cardano-node-1.35.4 and others). See the build log above for details.

try this


1.29.0 is much too old. You need to use 1.35.4 or 1.35.3, no other version will sync up to 100% because there were some hard forks since 1.29.0.


Node up and running (preview)… yay!
Thank you!! It worked out. Keep up your hard work building this ecosystem.

Highly appreciated your support.

As a side note, I changed in my config files the host-addr variable from to

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Uhmmmm I see, that’s why I never hit the 100%

Thank you!

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