Hello everyone!
I hope this message finds you well, I am new on this forum.
I have started a wildlife filmmaking production company with a dear friend of mine, it is our passion since our early days. He is more in the filmmaking side of things and I in production, I also do photography on shoots. We created the following website for our company: https://haaaaa.org/.
As you can guess we are nature lovers, we spend most of our time outdoors playing with camera equipment. Our knowledge of computers doesn’t extend much further thant the editing software we use. Coding is foreign to us but we aren’t unable to learn new things. Actually, that is precisely why I am writing this post. I have accumulated a lot of pictures since I first picked up my camera and out of all this pieces of memory I chose only 555 to make into NFT’s and show to the world.
This is my request:
I wish to learn how to dedicate a portion of my website to the minting of these NFT’s.
I would also need to learn how to make Cardano NFT’s.
Thank you for taking the time to read this & reply!
I am sure there are many other posts like this, please do redirect me if appropriate.
Please feel free to ask me anything or demand details!
Ganryu Ryuma II