Daedalus for Shelley testnet; first version out today for stake pool operators

Hello Everyone. I recorded my experience and transactions for the wallet here: https://forum.cardano.org/t/my-shelley-daedalus-testnet-experience/34558 I did not want to dump it here as to overshadow other people’s post. Thank you.

Sorry but your comment is off-topic here, this thread announced the previous version. You should start a new thread in https://forum.cardano.org/c/communitytechnicalsupport/7


Or maybe even better; submit a ticket at iohk.zendesk.com @rjmcoin


It took hours for my Windows 10/laptop sync. System crashed one day afterward but reboot helped. I usually get the cannot connect and need to reboot yet again. I will create a 2nd wallet and attempt a transfer today between the 2. Sending/receiving from outside wallet to Daedalus was smooth.