Daedalus Localisation

Adding more languages to the Daedalus wallet could be a massive quick win for the Cardano project.

Has work been started on adding Korean, Spanish, Italian, German,…?

At the technical level has Daedalus been developed so that UI text is in one translatable file?

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Messages: https://github.com/input-output-hk/daedalus/blob/develop/source/renderer/app/i18n/global-messages.js

Translations: https://github.com/input-output-hk/daedalus/tree/develop/source/renderer/app/i18n/locales


“global.language.chinese”: “Chinese”,
“global.language.croatian”: “Croatian”,
“global.language.english”: “English”,
“global.language.german”: “German”,
“global.language.japanese”: “Japanese / 日本語”,
“global.language.korean”: “Korean”,

Looks like there’s a few more languages on the way!

Would be great to add Spanish as well, South America could really benefit from an easy way to use crypto wallet.


Yes, IOHK and the Foundation are working on adding new languages - the problem is that for every language they need not only a few files translated AND verified, but also that language to be always supported in the future, since with every update they might need to add or change some text. This is exactly why community-translations are not accepted for now, even tho there are plenty of proposals, because it’s better to have no translation than to have a half of one.

There was announcement that the Foundation is looking into external 3rd party companies that can be hired to do all of this (translation, verification, support, etc), so things are moving forward, and we should expect some news on this front.


Yes, some work to be done initially to find good suppliers, but once those relationships are in place translation is something that can be outsourced without needing much time from IOHK or the Foundation.

Localising the site and the wallet might make a huge difference in ADA adoption.

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You can have fallback to English when no translation is available for a language for one particular sentence. So, no, a translation can be incomplete…

Yes, you can, and it’s awful. I didn’t say it’s impossible to have a half of translation, I just said it’s better to have none )

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