Daedalus Wallet Staking vs Voyager's April Interest of 5.25% (min monthly balance 1000 ADA)

Has anyone tried both Daedalus Wallet Staking and Voyager’s April Interest of 5.25% (min monthly balance 1000 ADA)? I’m currently staking in Daedalus Wallet but I also started using Voyager’s for USDC coin interest returns but how would it compare with Daedalus Wallet staking, compared to Voyager’s 5.25% ADA interest?

Dear @stping ,

I am still fairly new to the Cardano forum and community. But (someone correct me if I’m wrong) - Staking in Cardano is done through pools. You can join a pool through Daedalus or Yoroi. I stake with Daedalus.

Personally, I feel staking with pools instead of Voyager (or some other entity) gives me control of where and how I invest and earn.

I have a simple understanding of the pools - which I believe the rewards from staking in the pool varies depending on which pool and configuration you joined.

It is my understanding that there is no set % for staking/rewards - The rewards are given randomly to pools.

It is nice that Voyager offers 5.25% ADA interest - I don’t know the technicalities of that mathematically or economically.

I hope this helped - And for the sake of God, someone correct me if I’m wrong - I’m still new, but not shy to jump into conversation :grinning: