Digital Wallets addresses

Originally posted on Jan 10 in Technical Support category, but no reply so I am reposting. Would love to hear any thoughts on this.

Hi guys!
I am relatively new to Cardano but have been quite interested in this project.
I wanted to direct a question to the Wallet developers of the Cardano development team but not sure how to go about that so I chose this method. I am not a computer programmer by training so please pardon me if this sounds amateurish.
In trading cryptocurrencies I have noticed one of the general problems of wallets is that you have to make sure the wallet is compatible with the appropriate cryptocurrency otherwise any transferred funds could be permanently lost. Bittrex gives this warning when you try to initiate a transfer. Is anyone attempting to solve this potential problem anywhere in the crypto community? Especially at cardano since one of its aims is to allow interoperability of cryptocurrencies. It would seem that wallet compatibility verification should be happening automatically “under the hood” and not left to the folly of human inattention. Perhaps a new standard of wallet address designation might need to be developed by the developer community to facilitate this for the future when lots of non-tech savvy people will be using crypto in their daily lives. Sort of modeled on the system of physical addresses used by all the postal services of the world. Any thoughts on this??

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From the Cardano roadmap:

A wallet consists of a set of addresses, with Ada at each address. Currently, wallet addresses are a long string of numbers and letters, which cannot easily be distinguished from each other at a glance. This feature will make it possible to have shorter wallet addresses that will be easier to communicate. In particular Cardano addresses are currently a lot longer than Bitcoin addresses. The goal of this work is to have addresses that are much closer in length to those of Bitcoin. This will be done by minimising the information represented in the addresses and improving the way that stake delegation information is represented.”

It’s still at 20% (early development) sot it might take a while, but it seems like that is a valid concern for the team.

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