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here are the Steps to connect your Client (Daedalus) to the node (wallet backend) on your NAS.

  1. shut down the node. After the shutdown remove the content (one number) from the file mounted dir\wallet-db\open.lock (this will block the restart of the node)

  2. By default daedalus only trust tls connections from the “C:\Program Files\Daedalus\tls\ca\ca.crt”. Copy the “C:\Program Files\Daedalus\tls\server\server.crt” and “C:\Program Files\Daedalus\tls\server\server.key” into your mounted dir\tls\ (replace the old certificate und key) The server.crt must be renamed to server.cert.

  3. You can now start your container again and check if the node is running correct by query the synprogress over your browser https://ADDRESS:IP/api/settings/sync/progress (if you have problems because of the tls certifcate, install the “C:\Program Files\Daedalus\tls\ca\ca.crt” into you lokal certificate storage as trusted root certificate)

  4. On your Client (win10) start a powershell as admin and enter the following command to create a port forwarding from localhost:8090 (default node for daedalus).

Command to create the forwading:
netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=8090 listenaddress= connectport=NAS_PORT connectaddress=NAS_ADDRESS

Command to remove the forwarding:
netsh interface portproxy reset

  1. Start ONLY Daedalus (“C:\Program Files\Daedalus\Daedalus.exe”) not the “C:\Program Files\Daedalus\daedalus.bat”, because the .bat will also start the local node, what you do not want :wink:

  2. OPTIONAL: When you have a local version of the blockchain on your client, you could delete it.
    C:\Users\YOUR_USER\AppData\Roaming\Daedalus\db (my local appdata dir is now only 1MB big :slight_smile:

My Node runs 24/7 and the Wallet is Open in under 5 seconds :slight_smile:

Hope the steps help you.
