Does IOHK endorse this as a hiring practice?

Oh SNAP!!! @LOLEE and @dbaker110 looks like that person really said that obviously and has (had) IOHK on their Twitter account. Ok I was wrong. Looks like the person scrubbed any reference to IOHK from their twitter feed as I just checked @psygnisfive for Darryl McAdams.

Yeah IOHK needs to answer if they endorse this comment as a hiring practice if this is one of their people.

Now I will tell you what else is screwed up. @dbaker110 joined 4 hours ago and made this original post 4 hours ago. So the guy joined this forum or created a new account just so he could post legit bad press where an actual IOHK employee said something on twitter.

And @LOLEE created an account 37 minutes ago so they could post a follow up comment to my reply exactly 37 minute ago as of this writing. So both accounts are trolls coming in here to post bad publicity using real information. OK I get it. Lesson learned for everyone on the forum, especially me. But alas, apparently the tweet was legit.

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