IOHK Sponsors New Haskell Foundation & Info on Marlowe Alpha Program Demo

IOHK Sponsors New Haskell Foundation & Info on Marlowe Alpha Program Demo


Here are several Haskell and Marlowe related updates from IOHK:
#Haskell provides the bedrock for #Cardano development. So we’re excited about some important new developments to be shared by Simon Peyton Jones in his opening keynote at Haskell eXchange 2020, earlier today at 12:00 UTC. Free to watch here:

IOHK also recently launched the #Marlowe Alpha program, kicking into high gear.
Watch the demo by Simon Thompson :arrow_down: & check out a brand new Playground including a suite of tools & docs for building ACTUS-approved financial smart contracts:

Marlowe Alpha Demo starts here:

Last but not least, another NEW BLOG:
IOHK believes in the power of functional programming, open-source and open governance. So they’re sponsoring the Haskell Foundation, a brand new independent non-profit dedicated to broadening the adoption of the Haskell language. Read the full blog here: