Epicenter #239 with Grigore Rosu: The K framework - a framework to formally define all programming languages

Epicenter #239 with Grigore Rosu

“The K framework - a framework to formally define all programming languages”

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFOnoqAplAY

For those who don’t know, some context - Grigore Rosu is the CEO of the “Runtime Verification” company which is working on the “K-Framework” - a program that allows to define languages and then automatically generate “secure-by-construction” tools for defined languages, like Virtual Machines, compilers, verifiers, etc. “Runtime Verification” is a contractor of the IOHK and they work on the KEVM and IELE virtual machines that will be used in the Cardano CL:



This is exceptionally good information. Thank you for sharing.

Very interesting video! Thank you Ruslan