Error: Failed to build HsOpenSSL-

While compiling the node, for then 8.12.x and 9.0 release I “suddenly” get the following build error on Fedora 40:

Error: cabal: Failed to build HsOpenSSL- (which is required by
exe:demo-forwarder from cardano-tracer-0.2.3, exe:demo-acceptor from
cardano-tracer-0.2.3 and others).

Updated cabal several times, openssl-devel is installed - I’m just wondering if somebody sits in the same boat? It’s been a looong for me while since I ran into build issues I could not resolve. The solutions from posts of Jul/Dec. 2022 do not work for me here…

Thanks any advice :slight_smile:

I had a similar problem on Ubuntu 22.

I added a constraint into the cabal.project file to force it to use the right HsOpenSSL

e.g. constraints: HsOpenSSL ==

It might be different for Fedora though…

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Thanks, this acutally helps a bit. Later in the build the following errors occur:

src/Cardano/Render.hs:163:33: error: [-Wtype-equality-out-of-scope, -Werror=type-equality-out-of-scope]
    • The ‘~’ operator is out of scope.
      Assuming it to stand for an equality constraint.
    • NB: ‘~’ used to be built-in syntax but now is a regular type operator
          exported from Data.Type.Equality and Prelude.
      If you are using a custom Prelude, consider re-exporting it.
    • This will become an error in a future GHC release.
163 | renderSummary :: forall f a. (a ~ Summary f, TimelineFields a, ToJSON a)
    |                                 ^

src/Cardano/Render.hs:225:14: error: [-Wtype-equality-out-of-scope, -Werror=type-equality-out-of-scope]
    • The ‘~’ operator is out of scope.
      Assuming it to stand for an equality constraint.
    • NB: ‘~’ used to be built-in syntax but now is a regular type operator
          exported from Data.Type.Equality and Prelude.
      If you are using a custom Prelude, consider re-exporting it.
    • This will become an error in a future GHC release.
225 |    mkFi :: f ~ CDF I
    |              ^

I guess I’ll just sit and wait for more testing.
This os followed by

Error: cabal: Failed to build locli-1.35 (which is required by exe:locli from

I personally have no clue about Haskell to decide if these are valid errors or the result of wrong build configuration…

Fedora isn’t one of the supported platforms, so it might take a bit to get it built.