I have installed Oracle VirtualBox on a Windows 10 system, to run Ubuntu 20.4. I have the same OS (Ubuntu) on a MacBook Pro. On the laptop I have had zero issues building and running a node, but in the VirtualBox, something goes wrong during cabal build all. I have checked and re-checked, all dependencies install correctly. Has anyone had this happen? I am thinking of trying Debian in the VB as a next step. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Unless you tell us exactly what has gone wrong, no one will be able to help you. I am also pretty certain that switching from Ubuntu to Debian will not fix the problem.
I’ve been playing with this exact same setup most of the day. Just watch your outputs. Most of it is just missing libraries and can be solved by sudo apt-get [missing library / package] (it lets you know what you need in the outputs) and then re run the section you are working on.
What I am having issue with now, is how to set ports and ip’s in the topology so that my relay and node can find each other on different machines inside their own vbox over static ip’s from a vpn.
thank you both! @mraybin I had come to a very similar conclusion.
Last night it was late and I didn’t take note of the issue: when installing dependencies I executed three sudo in a row. In fact the error in cabal was found at the time (I had forgotten) in an attempt to resolve dependencies.
This morning I started from scratch and so far so good. I’ll wait for it to be finished and then post the whole code, in case someone else finds it useful.
In the end it all went well. The issue was almost certainly in the beginning, when installing dependencies. The attached file is essentially a (possibly poorly) annotated version of the Stake-Pool School Lesson 1. It looked a lot better in Text Editor