Following the stake pool course written instructions, using an AWS Linux server, when building the cardano node and cli, I receive the following error message:
“Failed to build HsOpenSSL- The failure occurred during the configure
Starting MonadRandom-0.5.3 (lib)
Starting HsOpenSSL- (all, legacy fallback)
Building MonadRandom-0.5.3 (lib)
Starting QuickCheck-2.14.2 (lib)
Installing MonadRandom-0.5.3 (lib)
Building QuickCheck-2.14.2 (lib)
Completed MonadRandom-0.5.3 (lib)
Installing QuickCheck-2.14.2 (lib)
Completed QuickCheck-2.14.2 (lib)
Failed to build HsOpenSSL- The failure occurred during the configure
Build log (
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( /home/ec2-user/cardano-src/cardano-node/dist-newstyle/tmp/src-20005/HsOpenSSL-, /home/ec2-user/cardano-src/cardano-node/dist-newstyle/tmp/src-20005/HsOpenSSL- )
Linking /home/ec2-user/cardano-src/cardano-node/dist-newstyle/tmp/src-20005/HsOpenSSL- …
Configuring HsOpenSSL-…
setup: Missing dependencies on foreign libraries:
- Missing (or bad) header file: openssl/asn1.h
- Missing (or bad) C libraries: ssl, crypto
This problem can usually be solved by installing the system packages that
provide these libraries (you may need the “-dev” versions). If the libraries
are already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the
flags --extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where they are.If
the library files do exist, it may contain errors that are caught by the C
compiler at the preprocessing stage. In this case you can re-run configure
with the verbosity flag -v3 to see the error messages.
If the header file does exist, it may contain errors that are caught by the C
compiler at the preprocessing stage. In this case you can re-run configure
with the verbosity flag -v3 to see the error messages.
cabal: Failed to build HsOpenSSL- (which is required by
test:cardano-node-test from cardano-node-1.35.0, exe:cardano-node from
cardano-node-1.35.0 and others). See the build log above for details.
Any ideas?
KInd regards,