Error on the Query the balance of an address (Solved)

I install the 1.18 Cardano with mainnet config. Clean install.
So far so good, except when I type try to check the balance with this command

cardano-cli shelley query utxo \
    --address $(cat payment.addr) \

I got this error message

A query from a certain era was applied to a ledger from a different era: EraMismatch {ledgerEraName = “Byron”, otherEraName = “Shelley”}

Anyone facing the same problem? And any idea how to fix this?


Same problem here. Anyone know a fix?

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Facing the same issue, will try to spin a new node.

Same here with brand new passive node.

I removed db, restarted passive node, did everything like on this page and still getting A query from a certain era was applied to a ledger from a different era: EraMismatch {ledgerEraName = "Byron", otherEraName = "Shelley"}

Has anyone solved this problem? I tried from scratch and so far no success

Today morning I checked and found it solved:

` cardano-cli shelley query utxo --address (cat payment.addr) --mainnet
TxHash TxIx Lovelace

And time solved the problem. I was told that probably my node was not in sync and that was true.

So wait for your passive node to fetch entire blockchain.


Thanks, now it works

I’ll wait tomorrow probably it will sync everything

How long did you have to wait till you saw it working? 30 mins and no success yet…

A couple of good hours. Your node should show tip numbers as high like: Chain extended, new tip: (Point 4573980...

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I just want to tell you that the command are now running well. And I leave about 12 hours (I don’t know for sure how many hours it takes). But It went well right now. thank you guys

Same error here. Hoping that once the node is synchronised the error will disappear.

Just wait for 12 hours or more. It will disappear. Trust me. I’ve been there


It worked like a song!

Hi everyone,
I’m getting a similar error:
EraMismatch {ledgerEraName = "Allegra", otherEraName = "Shelley"}
I let my node sync overnight and I’m still getting the error.
On my node all I keep seeing is:

[ip-172-3:cardano.node.ForgeTime:Info:58] [2020-12-17 13:11:54.00 UTC] fromList []
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.ForgeTime:Info:58] [2020-12-17 13:11:54.00 UTC] fromList []
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.ForgeTime:Info:58] [2020-12-17 13:11:54.00 UTC] fromList []
[ip-172-3:cardano.node.Forge:Info:58] [2020-12-17 13:11:54.00 UTC] fromList [("credentials",String "Cardano"),("val",Object (fromList [("kind",String "TraceNodeNotLeader"),("slot",Number 1.6644423e7)]))]```
I would appreciate any help. Thank you.

I think I found the solution: Error on the Query the balance of an address (Solved)

That link just comes back to this thread.

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–allegra-era is now needed:

cardano-cli query utxo
–address $(cat payment.addr)


sam@ubuntu:~/keys$ cardano-cli shelley query utxo --address $(cat payment.addr) --mainnet
WARNING: The “shelley” subcommand is now deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please use the top-level commands instead.
Shelley command failed: query utxo Error: A query from a certain era was applied to a ledger from a different era: EraMismatch {ledgerEraName = “Allegra”, otherEraName = “Shelley”}

Same error it’s been 24 & I think it’s synced as it show new tip:
chain extended on relay

Many thanks, it works :clap:

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