Error running testnet node

I am setting up stakepools over and over so I get familiar with the process and when running the node I am coming across this problem for the first time:

cardano-node: symbol lookup error: cardano-node: undefined symbol: crypto_vrf_publickeybytes

It occurs in Epoch 73 in the testnet when it seems it transitions from Byron to Shelley. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Nate,

Here you go dude - this should help you out:

Your friend, FROG

Thanks heaps Frog.

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I’m setting up stakepools over and over again to gain experience to teach others. my first trial was on my local computer before moving to a vms. right now I’m setting up a testnet node with my local computer. i cleared everything related to cardano-node, so i can do it again. right now, my nano .bashrc is empty. how do i solve that?

Hi April,

Can you confirm you in your home directory when checking your .bashrc?

nano .bashrc

Let me know - if it’s still empty I will provide the contents of mine. Thanks in advance.

Your friend, FROG

yes it’s still empty

Hi April,

add this to your .bashrc

export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH"
export CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=~/cardano-node/db/node.socket
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"

make sure the path to your cardano-node/db/node.socket is correct above

also, be sure to source .bashrc once this file has been saved

Your friend, FROG

Hi ADAfrog, I’m actually at the beginning of the guide, I just downloaded the installer. i executed nano .bashrc and got a blank page. isn’t that abnormal?

Hi April,

It’s abnormal if you had it populated before, totally normal if you’re starting from a fresh install / vm

Your friend, FROG

i had it populated before, and then removed it because i wanted to start afresh. now it’s empty. how do i get it populated again?

Hi April,

nano .bashrc

paste in what I provided above

press enter to save

And once you have libsodium installed and cardano-node compiled just do the following:

source .bashrc

Your friend, FROG

okay, thanks a million!

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Hi ADAfrog, this command “tar -xf ghc-8.6.5-x86_64-deb9-linux.tar.xz” gives me “xz: (stdin): Unexpected end of input
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now”

Hi April,

Check these solutions on git:

My guess is to try re-downloading the file (as it may not have downloaded correctly) and continue from there. Let me know if you continue to have issues.

Your friend, FROG

I re downloaded the file and it worked :slight_smile:

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HI ADAfrog, cardano-cli shelley query utxo gave me an era mismatch. what do I do?

Hi April,

You just need to wait for the node to sync past the hard fork and into the Shelley era - then Shelley commands will function.

Your friend, FROG

Hi ADAfrog, submitting my transaction and it gives me this error “cardano-cli: Network.Socket.connect: <socket: 11>: does not exist (No such file or directory)” what does this mean?

Hi April,

It typically means the node is either not running or the CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH is not defined.

try running source .bashrc again

and if that works, try adding the following to your .bash_profile so you won’t need to keep sourcing it on login:

test -f ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

Your friend, FROG