Errors after first simple Transaction

Hello Cardno friends,

im learning with the stake pool course and the last thing was making a simple transaction. Which did not work, had some errors. However, the next day I started the node and getting

[2021-02-10 20:12:10.53 UTC] [String “ErrorPolicySuspendPeer (Just (ApplicationExceptionTrace (InvalidBlock (At (Block {blockPointSlot = SlotNo 18023840, blockPointHash = c9881ce23d270f6b00369017015621e5735f029c8006e2077ab37c54dc7ef4d2})) (ValidationError (ExtValidationErrorLedger (HardForkLedgerErrorFromEra S (S (S (Z (WrapLedgerErr {unwrapLedgerErr = BBodyError (BlockTransitionError [LedgersFailure (LedgerFailure (UtxowFailure (UtxoFailure (OutputTooSmallUTxO [(Addr Testnet (KeyHashObj (KeyHash “53c493ab318b98d4bd5bfebee157f33a2c2dcf2752e818d558f8867d”)) (StakeRefBase (KeyHashObj (KeyHash “54251fc51d128c9808585c95f66b0c5146dddf8fafe8dbf13de65774”))),Value 1500000 (fromList [(PolicyID {policyID = ScriptHash “9cebd568ac4ad908cdd2d45a52327fc4711911054c9951b90a603303”},fromList [(“BerryIndigo”,1)])]))]))))])})))))))))) 200s 200s”,String “ErrorPolicyTrace”,String „"]

And when im trying `cardano-cli query tip --testnet-magic 1097911063 several times the slotNo is same all the time.

Any idea?
