Has anyone started using v8.7.2 and can share their experience?
I haven’t seen any notice about it being mandatory and we try keep up-to-date but as a friend once told me you don’t always want to be an early adopter
Has anyone started using v8.7.2 and can share their experience?
I haven’t seen any notice about it being mandatory and we try keep up-to-date but as a friend once told me you don’t always want to be an early adopter
I did update my preprod nodes to 8.7.2 and so far i didnt had any issues with that.
A few days ago then i updated the nodes from mainnet and so far i had no issues there either.
Here are my observations: the relays require much more memory - about 24GB; I had to upgrade my servers. After first start the new version re-validates all blocks like some other upgrades did. Otherwise I have no issues seen so far.
It has a nice new feature, one can re-configure the topology without restarting the nodes - if you are in p2p mode. A kill -HUP on the node process re-reads the configuration.
Before I forget: a new library is needed, namely libblst.a and a new conway-genesis.json comes with the new version.
Also cardano-node 8.7.2 it will compile with ghc-9.6.3 and 9.2.8, as well as 8.10.7. Unfortunately when compiled with ghc-9.6.3 the node segfaults on ARM machines which I believe is a known Haskell compiler bug related to how 9.6.3 does memory management.
If you want to run cardano-node using the nonmoving garbage collector then this works better in the later versions of Haskell.
Speaking of the increased memory requirement, on one of my relays, which has only 18 GB of RAM, I noticed the replay completed, then it proceeded to validating blocks, and then it went back to replaying everything from 0%. So, I couldn’t bootstrap the node with existing data. I assume it’s a memory thing as I had no other issue with my other relays, which each have plenty of RAM.
For my low RAM relay, I ended up deleting the db folder, restarting the node, and letting it fetch everything again. That worked. I also looked to see if I could find a mithril snapshot of 8.7.2 data, but I can’t find any. All the snapshots are using previous release version.
As an alternative you can also copy the db from some other relay or the block producer. This is probably the fastest way to upgrade the database.
Thanks for the good idea!
Appreciate all the feedback!
Does anyone have an indication on the mandatory-ness of the release? it seems like a step up in terms of system requirements so a bit hesitant.
Right now its not mandatory. Probably the next 9.x.x version will be mandatory.
@Alexd1985, @Zyroxa
Do we have any node 8.7.3 upgrade guide/steps?
Not upgraded yet, but you should find the bin files on portal
There is a guide here:
update: I upgrated my relay with success following the link