Following CoinCashew for a new pool setup ./gLiveView not starting

Rather than jumping to Question and answers, please try to understand what’s happening. It’s not as much an issue with gLiveView or service , but experience with node operations.

As long as your config is from 1.25.1 (as you confirmed 2 messages above) when the node started, your EKG/Prometheus ports will start responding to calls after your node has finished start up. Whether your node has finished start up is within seconds or takes quite a while depends on how it was shutdown. But before checking anything else, if in doubt always query the prometheus or EKG ports manually via curl.

This is already part of documentations for node as well as stake pool school, which SPOs are expected to be fairly familiar with

Been almost 16 hours now, still no joy. I have transactions counting. almost 15k so far. That means the node is started. I believe the issue is something similar to what Johann_ADAholycs had posted that was the original solution pre 1.25.1.

try to download again the glive script

curl -s -o

chmod 755


Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately no joy.

can you please shortly explain me what is the current status with the issue?


may you give shortly a detailed status again?

Are you on testnet or mainnet?
Have you upgraded to 1.25.1 successfully?

Here are some inputs to try:


export NODE_BUILD_NUM=$(curl | grep -e “build” | sed ‘s/.build/([0-9])/download.*/\1/g’)

sed -i $HOME/.bashrc \

-e “s/export NODE_BUILD_NUM=[0-9]+/export NODE_BUILD_NUM=${NODE_BUILD_NUM}/g”

source $HOME/.bashrc

UPDATE mainnet-config.json TO THE LATEST VERSION


wget -N{NODE_BUILD_NUM}/download/1/{NODE_CONFIG}-config.json

sed -i ${NODE_CONFIG}-config.json \

-e “s/TraceBlockFetchDecisions”: false/TraceBlockFetchDecisions": true/g"

This will give you the proper config file!

Compare it for starters with the one which you got so far.
I managed to update on testnet and mainnet. It should be straightforward!

I think we can figure it out.


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Still no luck. I have tried updating the most recent mainnet config file directly from here: 1. Get configuration files — cardano-node Documentation 1.0.0 documentation as well as updating gLiveView

Same problem, so you’re not alone :slight_smile:
Using version 1.25.1, the chain is up-to-date, all binaries, config files updated, etc. Everything in the env file looks good. No luck.

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in env file, the socket line should be commented with # in the front… save the file, restart the node wait few minutes and try again in glive.


Just tried, no joy. I think it has to do with the new config file. I also lost connection to prometheus with the update as well. Things are working, I hit a block after the update so no concern there but would be nice to be able to check the stats again.

I also lost connection to prometheus with the update as well.
what do you mean? did you changed the metrics in grafana?

Before the update all nodes would show in Prometheus / graphana. After the update only the relay node that hosts Prometheus would show stats

Did u checked the hasPrometheus from new configuration files?


Yup, also went through the full setup again.

Check the status of the node exporter process for each node
Sometimes stoped working for me

Any joy fixing this problem?

I currently have the same issue.

Sorry, no joy.

This fixed the issue for me.