Hackers target Eos dapps article

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Yea…read this…EOS is a complete mess. I’m so glad I jumped ship from that coin.

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Same!! Dan is not the man!

I have my reservations about ETH. What do you think? Been on this one for a while. Vitalik is smart as hell but the execution is getting to me. There’s a Roman Legion of developers and he is always talking to a packed house. I wonder if any (a significant amount I mean…not just 1 or 10) will jump on the Cardano bandwagon. Network could be the best in the world but without developers it means nothing. Charles does have a point about having the best start to develop the Dapps. Would like to know what others think.

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ETH allows for many bad things to happen on its watch, and does not stick to a lot of things they say they’ll do, and it’s not their fault as they would have to hard fork and figure out how to compete with a torrent style system where the more users that are added, the faster the protocol… Obviously, even EOS can’t do this… that’s why Cardano is #1 and honestly, at least Tron works much quicker and doesn’t have a bad history as does Ethereum and Vitalyk. That being said ETH may still hold weight as it has been recognized by the S.E.C as a commodity and a lot of institutions have incorporated smart contracts in their curriculum using Ethereum account-based model and elliptical curve cryptography technique, and by this happening, we have lost mind-share and time thanks to Ethereum once again. It is a great stepping stone but a bad foundation.