Happy News andy!


I will be closing this thread as it does not add value or meaningful discussion to the Cardano Community.

With regards to your dispute with Andy, I have reviewed your posts that were deleted and I can confirm that they were flagged by other users and as a moderator he acted appropriately.

I will also be silencing your account for a few weeks. Silencing means that you are still able to login and view discussions, you just won’t be able to create new posts or reply with comments.

Please also note that this is your second warning/silencing period. I messaged you on Dec. 27 when you were first silenced for a few days for your use of offensive language.

To remind you, we strive to create a welcome and open community, please see the code of conduct for the Cardano Forum here. For users who cannot abide by this, we take temporary measures that allow users to come back and hopefully interact with other community members in a respectful and civil manner. For repeated offenses, we will have no choice but to ban users. You can email me at community@cardano.org if clarifications are needed. Thank you!