Hello! Long time investor/lurker/dev, want to start building

Here’s today’s version of my origin story…

I’ve been following Cardano since I think 2017? I was interested first because of the Haskell + the promise of scientific foundations. I thought I would hedge my bets: IOTA (remember IOTA!?) sounded groundbreaking and potentially huge but was jumping into an implementation with no solid proof it would work, whereas Cardano sounded like a slow, conservative bet that this crypto thing is hard to get right and depends on non-obvious details.

Turns out it was/is hard. I’ve gotten gradually more and more confident in Cardano over time as it/you/they keep doing hard, impressive things: first the ITN and stake pools, then plutus contracts, scaling in progress, and other general advances like Mythril and DIDs.

Then this past year 3 things happened: the vegan cheese startup I was working for ran out of money, I became more uncomfortable with how dystopian the political + tech landscape is these days, and IOG committed to real decentralized governance on a timeline.

Put those together and it seems like a great time to reinvent myself as a crypto dev, and try to reinvent the world with you all! I’ll be at the constitution workshop this weekend in Lisbon, trying for a Catalyst fund13 grant, and probably getting on social media now that it’s important enough to overcome my dislike of the dystopian parts.


Welcome! Always glad to see another dev entering the ecosystem :slight_smile: Sounds like you’re probably already plugged in to the community, but feel free to reach out if you have any questions during your journey.

That’s a sentence that I didn’t think I was going to read tonight. :joy:

It’s great to people like yourself, with a genuine passion for both tech and the community, diving in to build and contribute. :clap:

So, are you already versed in developing on Cardano?