How much ADA to Retire?

Thanks for the very detailed article, yes, there are time when we can only use our visual perception to make judgments, not physical evidence. :heart:

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A disheartening aspect of this is that someone with 60K ADA may have spent tens of thousands of dollars getting that stake, while someone with 300K ADA may have bought it @ 4.5¢ each.


4000 USD worth

With current prices: yeah quite possible.

The more the better. Of course, only if you can afford it. I think you should be ready for the long game. If you are retiring next year, I would be cautious. Lol!

on thing I can say that ada cant ever go less than 3 cents, so it is always word to buy at 3 cents, but how far it will go up, future tell

also as many any coins holders doing one huge logical mistake: they thing that they favorite coin - ada at this time will make him rich and will move independt from entire crypto eco system. it will never happened, it never happened before. So if you analyze one coin analyze BTC first. I still waiting the day when crypto currencies will move independently from each other like fiat, but looks like at least 5-10 years to go to it. we need ada to complete all main developing stages, from that poin we will see the potential. potential is huge, but lobbying in government will be a key factor after crypto will solve all major problems

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Here is what I have noticed, and this is not to put down the great progress of the Cardano Team!!

BUT… WHY does ADA and every other currency drop like a rock when bitcoin drops?? All are separate entities yet we loose value each time a bitcoin whale wants to cash out… part of me believes their are dark fingers in each and every currency and they have total control of the markets. We invest, we look to the future, they take and cash out at our expense…

I apologize if this post is inappropriate

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No it’s not inappropriate, I understand your concern and frustration, many feel it.

The entire Crypto market is small at the moment, there are companies with bigger market values. As such ‘Whales’ within Crypto have the ability to move markets. Then due to the volatility of Crypto, FOMO is easy to get.

People buy currency at their own risk and should only do so understanding the risk, either way they can’t blame anyone else for loss in money.

I only speculate on Cardano (ADA) as I like the project and its ambitions. Judging the price on Cardano now is pointless in my opinion. The people who Cardano is designed for probably don’t even know this blockchain is being developed.

But yes, if someone over spends in the current market hoping to be rich in the short term, they are most likely going to lose their money and think Crypto is a scam.

I found a project I like, I will help where I can as part of the community to help it succeed.


This is the current state of the Crypto Market and the risk of buying assets in any market.

There are plenty of people who bought stocks in business (not crypto) that would have paid hundreds of thousands or millions, and someone else who paid significantly less for a similar amount.

It’s not healthy to self compare your own holdings to another against a price they paid.

There will always be someone richer, someone luckier, someone poorer and someone more unfortunate.


true ada performance we will see only on the second half of 2020 or after walter stage, when whales will start interested in it

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It isn’t inappropriate at all. In my eyes this is a matter of fact. We are the people they try to squeeze out but we can decide to be squeezed or not. I by my self decided to use their strategy to accumulate. Sooner or later this will make me a whale. As long as the fundamentals of Cardano are going the right direction i got absolutely no problem with declining prices - on the contrary i appreciate it - more ADA for me and my little group of investors. I am convinced that quality will prevail in the long term.

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Just in case, I´ll place a limit order of 1000000 ADA at 0.001EURO which means 1000 EUR worth. Even in that event Cardano still be the future. in that case (0.001) perhaps I’ll buy 2000000 ADAs, who knows?

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If I could afford 1 million ADA. I would never sell it near $0.001. 1million ADA is an unreachable dream to so many people


Just in case, place a limit order.
Nothing to lose

ETH 2.0 is looking more like ADA 0.5 in reality. :joy:


If you get 600 000 ada and stake it for 8-10 years you might get your 1 million ada goal that way too. The staking on Cardano is going to be such an awesome feature. Cardano will work as a residual income for many years to come is how I look at it. If the price goes up by about 8.5 times and the staking rewards come in at about 12% then you could theoretically recoup your initial investment after about 1 year of staking. At 3 cents we only a 26 cent ada to recoup your initial investment thru staking rewards in just one year! Is that sweet or what?

Sorry but the rate of return has to reduce quite sharply due to the limited supply. IMO it’s currently high to compensate for the hassles of participating in a testnet.

An other point of view to enrich the debate.
If ADA becomes what we expect (by we I should say I), it will become a competitor and a replacement for fiat. If you are paid in ADA and can buy everything you need in ADA, why care about its value in fiat ?
Maybe its value in BTC could be interesting as BTC would become the digital gold (BTC is to save your ownings not to do daily payments).
In my crypto dream I see BTC as gold with limited availability and limited transactions and ADA as the future money for every day payments for every one.
Let’s see what happens in the next year !

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Nice toughts guys why wait just buy in now ada for less then 0.03$ ,invest like 29k/30k$ then start staking then lets wait till all new stuff is out and running(shelly,smartcontrs,hydra etc etc )@ that time its 2025 then your ada sure more then like ath of 1.33$+ all staking rewards aded wooooooooow lets rock then😉