How to Create a safe wallet to store my ADA

If you are really paranoid then an up to date antivirus software should be enough. Ricky Mac had a pretty nifty software he mentioned that tracks all traffic into and out of your computer. I’ll probably buy this at some point myself. Install that and I would think you’re set. Wiping your Mac would be a pain and there’s no guarantee of non-reinfection w/o the above.


Makes sense–thanks for the advice

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Indeed, it’s called little snitch and allows you to controll what ports and data come in and go to which servers. Very cool stuff.

If you buy the software you also receive microsnitch for free. Which is an application that monitors if your cam or microphone is being activated.

Disclaimer: i have no affiliation with obdev, but i do love and use their software. You will be amazed how many connections your computer has to servers that you did not know about or even wanted in the first place.


Thanks for the reminder. That’s such a great name. If the future is being your own bank this type of software is essential.

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The safest way to store Ada is a hardware wallet.

Currently there is no hardware wallet that supports Ada, but there are several wallets which plan to support Ada in the near future.
See: Comparison of Ada wallets and exchanges

Hi, I am new in this forum.
Can someone tell me how I can export my secret key from deadalus to another wallet.
I have been looking around to find my secret key, but didn’t find.
I would like to export to Exodus wallet.