How to set up a POOL in a few minutes - and register using CNTOOLS

hi everyone currently still running on testnet. Sync process takes many hours, so i download db from The problem is cnode fail to start with downloaded db. When i delete db from then cnode starting again but synching from beginning. Can someone tell the problem? I want to speed up the sync. Why i can’t use downloaded db.

Hey Alex i upgraded my relay to the latest Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS and I can’t start the relay. I’ve tried rebuild the relay using ./ -f but I’m still having the same problem any Ideas before I do a complete rebuild?

did you chown and chmod the file?

Hmm, I don’t know what to say… did u update the OS packages? Are all the node files there ?

Yes, as far as I can tell… I’ll just do complete rebuild.

Can CLNI be installed on a node that is already built and running?
I am interested in using the slot leader / expected blocks tooling.

I setup a stake pool on Preview with the scripts but would like to use them on mainnet.

For a relay on Preview, the toplogy file is fomatted differently. Do I enter the BP IP address in there or leave it as default?

Yeas, can be; there are 2 methods:

  • install cncli or
  • use Cardano-CLI Query

for 2nd option should be more easy

Thanks. I have tried the Cardano -cli method, it hoses up my BP. I am looking for something easier on the node resources.

Both method will need aditional ~10G RAM

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I saw a python script someone created to run with less resources, can’t find it now. I’ll do some research, thanks! You answered my question.

Hi all!
Does anyone know if the information in this guide is still relevant since we are almost 2 years later?

Hello hello,

Yes it is, I’m still here after 2 years :beers:

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Hi @Alexd1985,
I was building node version 1.35.4
The following errors occur
“CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at src/Distribution/Client/CmdInstall.hs:474:33 in main:Distribution.Client.CmdInstall”
cardano-adress and bech32 not found in ~/.cabal/bin folder.

But when building node version 1.35.3 no error occur and everything work.
So i can’t import mnemonic wallet with 1.35.4 node.
Both cardano node use GHC 8.10.7 and Cabal
Can u find the issue, cause i want to run Cnode 1.35.4 and import non CLI wallet.
Already check if this command (. “${HOME}/.bashrc”) was configured

Thanks! And hats off to you for sticking around for so long!
I’m playing around on the testnet :grin:

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Hi guys,
regarding with my issue, i’ve found the answer from the developer.
They stated 1.35.4 isn’t supported yet on guild-ops repo.
We will wait 1.35.5 for the script changes. So better for keep using 1.35.3 for now.

If u have now 1.35.3 with importing wallet option availble, just update the node to 1.35.4 and should be fine

Ok @Alexd1985 thanks.

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U can use my software upgrade script for upgrading the nodes… I just checked on my relay and I have wallet import available on 1.35.4

don’t use o option when u make the upgrade because u already have the bin for cardano-address and bech32


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I had the same issue. 1.35.4 gave me the error:
error, called at src/Distribution/Client/CmdInstall.hs:474:33 in main:Distribution.Client.CmdInstall” and bech32 was nowhere to be seen.

I followed your suggestion and installed with 1.35.3 which gave me bech32 and then updated for 1.35.4 without the -o option.

Everything seems to work and my pool is registered correctly. :metal:


Big thanks to @Alexd1985 for the valuable tutorial and lessons. We have successfully contributed to the mainnet and preproduction networks for the community. :pray: :pray:
Our pool is Burger Stake Pool [BGR].

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