How to set up a POOL in a few minutes - and register using CNTOOLS

Yes, multiple times. Delete all google auth files and retried. I am trying to connect via ssh just on my desktop terminal and it keeps asking me for a password (not paraphrase), I dont ever recall setting a password and tried every password I would of set, but couldnt seem to get past that

No luck. it just time out., the pool list show registered.


try to search the pool in adapools after poolID
also u can’t check with pool - show? still crash?
I have a doubt regarding the metadata registration, it was successful?

Yes still crash. Looking at htop, looks like the cli uses up all memory (3.84GB) and crashes node.

ok, go again to pool - modify and after u enter the url for metadata and press enter, show me the output

Yes can fin it by pool id, but no name or ticker showing.


ok let me try. Maybe because of underscore in name or space?

where is your metadata located? can u give me the url?

use this url (with raw)

that worked. I can now find it on pooltool. So it was raw url. Thank you very much Alex!

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@Alexd1985 - my pool showed up in Daelalus but I had to delete the stake pool sqlite files and restart. Let me know if you figure out the Wallet restore bit.

Not today, i tried to rebuild the node but few issues occurred

is it a “Yes” to my question above, Alex? in this scenario, we just configure the Relay’s topology to point to 2 different BP nodes, correct? Please see my screenshots and see if my assumption is doable. Cardano-Topology Example

The ideea is that the Producer should be connected to Relays… and u can have more Producers connected to the same relays.


Ah, I got it! thanks!

I changed my topology above where BP connected to different relays. But would it cause any negative effect the performance in anyways? if not, it would be beneficial in-term of cost savings and easier to manage. “mulțumesc foarte mult”

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But ur Producer should be connected only to your Relay/Relays… I don’t understand what u changed…

ah, I just changed the color of the connections to relays. That’s all.

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Then YES, your assumption is correct; in that topology u pointed 2 relays to 2 different BPs