I sent ADA from my Newton account to my Yoroi account, No transaction was displayed

Hi there, I need help as I sent I sent ADA from my Newton account to my Yoroi account, the transaction going through disappeared and I no longer have my ADA in my Newton account;

However, No transaction was displayed on Yoroi’s side and no ADA has come through; It has been an hour now. Can someone help me understand what happened?

I am new to Yoroi and have been holding Cardano for a while now looking to stake for the long term. Also confused as the main dashboard has shown this loading symbols since I signed up

Copy the address from yoroi on cardanoscan.io … do u see the right balance?

Hey thanks Alex, I had saw previous forums and already tried that link, says 0 as well as this ‘inactive’ message image

and in addition I have this on the dashboard of Yoroi image

On cardanoscan.io go down to total controlled, perhaps this address has 0 funds

It says 0 everywhere, but I’m confused as I went to receive, copied the address and pasted it in Newton and sent over the ADA;

Is there a reason as to why the dashboard would still show the loading symbols/ Being that I just created this new wallet is there a wait time of some sort or did I have to do some sort of set up to receive funds properly?

Thank you for your time.

Hello @B_Dekker, that function has been removed but only temporarily.


Thanks for the information,

My main concern is where my money has gone. The transaction went through over an hour and a half ago on my Newton wallet’s end and still nothing has registered on Yoroi’s side, Can someone help with this?

Perhaps the transaction is delayed, the transaction from newton wallet has confirmations, can u share the yoroi address? Or the transaction ID from newton


There is the Yoroi address… The newton transaction was displayed for about 5 minutes then went through but now is no where to be found under my recent activity which is why I am so confused… And of course Newton doesn’t have any customer service.

Thanks again for your help Alex much appreciated

Strange, can u provide the wallet address from newton wallet?


Ok, no transactions yet, be patience probably they need to send the funds manually from the newton wallet… sometimes can take more time

Okay thank you Alex, Will wait up to the 48 hours they stated… Just unfamiliar with the process and was unsure if it was an issue on Yoroi’s side of things given the loading images throughout the dashboard

I thank you for your time, was very anxious about this for the last hour! lol

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