Hello Community. My name is José and I’m here to help translate or even voiceover some videos to portuguese.
I’ve been around crypto for a while now to know what is worth my time and ADA is one of the few projects I believe will survive in the next years.
Cheers to all.
Welcome @Jose_Carvalho, nice to meet you 
Nice to meet you to.
If you have any source that needs translation you can holla. I’ll try to help ASAP.
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Welcome to the fun, you chose a good time to get involved as things are moving very fast around Cardano.
The voice over sounds like a good idea, also I have noticed a lot of people have been using twitter and sharing IOHK news and updates with the body of the heading being in their language - I am glad to see it.
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Yeah. So I thought if some Cardano instructional or promotional videos are made by Cardano Foundation, why not making the voice over in many languages? I’m up for it.
About translations, my thought is everything that has a translation should have, and some words and expressions should be maintained for a clearer understanding.
Thanks for the welcome.