Introducing: "Ambassador Stories"

We would like to introduce “Ambassador Stories” to the Cardano ecosystem! :writing_hand:

This community engagement campaign will let Ambassadors ‘tell their stories’, to the Cardano community and its officials. What do they do? Who are they? What sets them apart in the Cardano community?

This idea has been around for a while, and now that the Cardano Ambassador group is growing steadily and new Ambassadors are joining our ranks each month, it is time to get to know them a bit more!
Ambassadors will be approached weekly and asked to participate and fill out a Google form with questions.
This is of course completely voluntarily, and Ambassadors can disclose as much info as they feel comfortable with. :+1: (Yes, there will be a small reward for Ambassadors… :star_struck:)

One or two stories shall be published separately every week on Wednesday, in the ‘Introduce yourself’ section of the forum, so new (and old) users can easily get to know key members of the Cardano community.

Please be on the lookout for an upcoming story (or stories) starting from next week! :sunglasses:

The Cardano Community Team

(PS: This topic will remain closed, and commenting can be done once the story has been separately published)


Dang! I really should put effort into beieng an Ambassador, I love the program and believe in it and would absolutely enjoy letting people know why I chose to be involved with Cardano.
I will re-evaluate my approach to promoting and defending Cardano to align with the standards of the CF so I can be listed as an Ambassador.

I hope to see some amazing stories come from the Ambassador’s we currently have :slightly_smiling_face:

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