Introducing Cardano Québec Stake Pool [QCPOL]

Hello fellow cardanians,

We launched our pool, QCPOL, in early January. We have not minted any block yet, but we would be extremly happy to have you on board in our pool!

Pool Information:
Ticker: QCPOL
Pledge: 10k
Fixed Fee: 340
Variable Fee: 2%
Location: Québec City, Québec, Canada

Operator experience:
We are two software developers with college and university studies in computer science. We each have more than 10 years of experience in the field of information technology, mainly in software development and operations development (DevOps), but also in systems administration and database management. We have all the knowledge and tools necessary to ensure continuous service of Cardano Québec Stake Pool.

Our infrastructure:
All of our servers are physical (bare-metal) and use the Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS operating system. We respect security standards and we constantly monitor the state of our servers. Our servers are in several different locations thus offering redundancy in the event of failure. It also allows us to do extended maintenance without affecting the service.

Why should users check out your pool?:
Cardano is a very ambitious project and we are convinced that it will be the solution to many problems in the field of finance. But for Cardano to be secure, the network must be decentralized, meaning that the servers validating transactions must be distributed as evenly as possible across the planet and that there be as many different entities (people or companies) that operate these systems. Cardano Quebec Stake Pool is our way of contributing to the decentralization of Cardano by operating a server in Quebec, more specifically in Quebec City.

Happy Staking :slight_smile:

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