: few proejects have the leadership, vision, superb programmers, outstanding foundational technology, and proven developmental roadmap of Cardano just published an article which pretty much sums up how I also feel about Cardano.

Read it here:

During bearish times, the amazing community of Cardano is often neglected or downstated. I had the chance to interact with many exceptional people in our ecosystem, and this emboldens my trust in our success in the decades to come.

I also like the conclusion:

Why You Should Care?

Cardano does offer more value than many other tokens and coins, due to its potential to have real-world impact. That impact will only increase as its network scales and improves in the near future.

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Cardano is definitely a good buy. After the end of the downturn it will dominate the crypto market. It is certainly undervalued today.

I hold the same belief