Hi Alex, i’m running the topologyUpdater script into the relay node, but from the logs i can see this:
{ "resultcode": "201", "datetime":"2022-12-30 12:09:40", "clientIp": "censored", "iptype": 4, "msg": "nice to meet you" }
{ "resultcode": "504", "datetime":"2022-12-30 12:33:15", "clientIp": "censored", "iptype": 4, "msg": "one request per hour please" }
{ "resultcode": "504", "datetime":"2022-12-30 12:33:16", "clientIp": "censored", "iptype": 4, "msg": "one request per hour please" }
{ "resultcode": "203", "datetime":"2022-12-30 13:33:12", "clientIp": "censored", "iptype": 4, "msg": "welcome to the topology" }
{ "resultcode": "504", "datetime":"2022-12-30 13:33:17", "clientIp": "censored", "iptype": 4, "msg": "one request per hour please" }
{ "resultcode": "204", "datetime":"2022-12-30 14:33:04", "clientIp": "censored", "iptype": 4, "msg": "glad you're staying with us" }
{ "resultcode": "504", "datetime":"2022-12-30 14:33:05", "clientIp": "censored", "iptype": 4, "msg": "one request per hour please" }
{ "resultcode": "204", "datetime":"2022-12-30 15:33:05", "clientIp": "censored", "iptype": 4, "msg": "glad you're staying with us" }
{ "resultcode": "504", "datetime":"2022-12-30 15:33:19", "clientIp": "censored", "iptype": 4, "msg": "one request per hour please" }
{ "resultcode": "204", "datetime":"2022-12-30 16:33:09", "clientIp": "censored", "iptype": 4, "msg": "glad you're staying with us" }
{ "resultcode": "504", "datetime":"2022-12-30 16:33:13", "clientIp": "censored", "iptype": 4, "msg": "one request per hour please" }
{ "resultcode": "204", "datetime":"2022-12-30 17:33:11", "clientIp": "cendored", "iptype": 4, "msg": "glad you're staying with us" }
(i didn’t put all the lines from the logs, but are all the same of the posted)
I let the relay run whole the night, and i’ve tried yesterday and also this morning with the relay-topology_pull.sh and this is what i can see from the testnet-topology.json
{ "resultcode": "402", "datetime":"2022-12-31 11:44:48", "clientIp": "censored", "iptype": 4, "msg": "IP is not (yet) allowed to fetch this list", "Producers": [ { "addr": "relays-new.cardano-testnet.iohkdev.io", "port": 3001, "valency": 2 } , { "addr": "relays-new.cardano-testnet.iohkdev.io", "port": 3001, "valency": 2 } ] }
I’m not understanding why into the testnet-topology.json there isn’t my block producer node, and also there is still written “IP is not (yet) allowed to fetch this list”. In my topology.json there is the block producer IP. I’m in testnet Preview, i don’t know if maybe is for this reason.