Block Producing node does not see my relay as an "in"


I have an issue - I am syncing to the blockchain but my block producer node does not see my relay as an in. The relay is seeing the block producer node and is syncing - the relay is also sending to the correct port (I have two separate servers on the LAN). I also have port forwarded in my router and ufw firewall is also set:

Here is the block producer topology and guild live view screen (or attached)
“Producers”: [
“addr”: “”,
“port”: 6000,
“valency”: 1

My block producer has 4 outs, 2 of them going to the relay IP address

Here is the relay topology - the live view is correct:

“Producers”: [
“addr”: “”,
“port”: 6001,
“valency”: 1
“addr”: “”,
“port”: 3001,
“valency”: 2

My block producer is in port 6001 and my relay is in 6000

Thanks for the help

From relay:

telnet producer-IP producer-port

U should see connected, if not check the FW

Thanks Alex,

Telnet did connect:

I can’t figure out why 45385 is showing as an output rather than an input in the BP node view. I think that is the in signal from my relay.

I did the following troubleshooting:

  1. Changed my IP to public instead of the LAN - same result
  2. I checked netstat to see if I was listening to the port on my BP node and it was - same result
  3. Changed my port in my start up script for the BP to 6000 and it changes to out to the node but no in from the node
  4. Checked the ports
  5. I also waited for full sync - same result

Here is my start up script for BP node - if there is something missing:








/usr/local/bin/cardano-node run --topology ${TOPOLOGY} --database-path ${DB_PATH} --socket-path ${SOCKET_PATH} --host-addr ${HOSTADDR} --port ${PORT} --config ${CONFIG}


Here it is for my node relay:









/usr/local/bin/cardano-node run --topology ${TOPOLOGY} --database-path ${DB_PATH} --socket-path ${SOCKET_PATH} --host-addr ${HOSTADDR} --port ${PORT} --config ${CONFIG}


Thanks again.

Here are my lsof results from the BP node:

The last line is the port, the BP node has open to listen


yes, now check on your relay if inside the topology updater/push script did you added your Producer+ port added to custom peers

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Thanks Alex,

I have not done that yet - I will do it today and update you tonight


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Hi Alex,

Just to give you a heads up - I did add the updater file and it didn’t help; however, I was not fully sync’d at the time so I am not sure. Everything seems to be working ok, I don’t have any errors and my block producer is syncing. Unless there is something else I should check, I may just go ahead and complete the node config and see if I am able to execute the transactions. I am fully sync’d now and in the process of registration and setup.

Is it something to be concerned about or is there another way I could check if the block producer is satisfied without going too far? I was expecting the BP node to have an in from the relay not an additional out.

I am sure everything is ok… wait first for the nodes to be 100% sync