Is my Block Producing node running correctly?

Hi all,

Is my Block Producing node running properly if I see the following output in the terminal?:

[ubuntu:cardano.node.ForgeTime:Info:47] [2020-12-19 10:24:27.00 UTC] fromList
[ubuntu:cardano.node.ForgeTime:Info:47] [2020-12-19 10:24:27.00 UTC] fromList
[ubuntu:cardano.node.ForgeTime:Info:47] [2020-12-19 10:24:27.00 UTC] fromList
[ubuntu:cardano.node.ForgeTime:Info:47] [2020-12-19 10:24:27.00 UTC] fromList
[ubuntu:cardano.node.Forge:Info:47] [2020-12-19 10:24:27.00 UTC]
fromList [(“credentials”,String “Cardano”),(“val”,Object (fromList
[(“kind”,String “TraceNodeNotLeader”),(“slot”,Number 1.4004251e7)]))]
[ubuntu:cardano.node.ForgeTime:Info:47] [2020-12-19 10:24:27.00 UTC] fromList
[ubuntu:cardano.node.LeadershipCheck.metrics:Notice:47] [2020-12-19
10:24:28.00 UTC] utxoSize = 84441
[ubuntu:cardano.node.LeadershipCheck.metrics:Notice:47] [2020-12-19
10:24:28.00 UTC] delegMapSize = 634
[ubuntu:cardano.node.LeadershipCheck:Info:47] [2020-12-19 10:24:28.00
UTC] {“credentials”:“Cardano”,“kind”:“TraceStartLeadershipCheck”,“delegMapSize”:634,“slot”:14004252,“chainDensity”:3.2740396e-2,“utxoSize”:84441}
[ubuntu:cardano.node.ForgeTime:Info:47] [2020-12-19 10:24:28.00 UTC] fromList
[ubuntu:cardano.node.ForgeTime:Info:47] [2020-12-19 10:24:28.00 UTC] fromList
[ubuntu:cardano.node.ForgeTime:Info:47] [2020-12-19 10:24:28.00 UTC] fromList
[ubuntu:cardano.node.ForgeTime:Info:47] [2020-12-19 10:24:28.00 UTC] fromList
[ubuntu:cardano.node.Forge:Info:47] [2020-12-19 10:24:28.00 UTC]
fromList [(“credentials”,Stri…

Thanks for your help!


Should be fine

For a better view use :

it will provide infos about you keys, peers, blocks, etc

Thanks for the confirmation Alexd1985. As I am running the node currently on testnet, what are good pledge, cost and other parameters I should use to see reasonable amount of block production? And will those parameters also apply for mainnet as well?


Pledge - it doesn’t matter right now for creating blocks, but pledge gives trust for the pool
Live stack will give you the “power” to creat blocks… I believe any amount above 2-3M will be enough for creating at least 1 block per epoch

Thanks for the clarification. So I guess it will be nearly impossible to see blocks being produced on a testnet node since there won’t be anyone delegating stake to a testnet stake pool? Just want to see if I can complete the entire process of producing blocks on the testnet before moving to mainnet. Would appreciate your thoughts. Many thanks!


FYI - I queried my stake distribution on the testnet and it is 1.241e-8. I noticed a lot of the pools on the testnet I am using is also more or less the same value around e-8 to e-4.

Hi there,

Would like to double check to see if the following output from my relay node is normal:

[2021-01-26 09:21:15.63 UTC] fromList [(“tx”,Object (fromList [(“txid”,String “txid: TxId {_unTxId = “e1eb67c2ff5887bfb9d18fce1d8d2d4d8affdfd5596ff6e3d3d66be71d99fc9b”}”)])),(“kind”,String “TraceMempoolAddedTx”),(“mempoolSize”,Object (fromList [(“numTxs”,Number 4.0),(“bytes”,Number 5475.0)]))]

I’m seeing a lot of these messages on the output screen whereas before I saw only the new tip messages.

Thanks and regards,


Hi Alexd1985,

Regarding the simpleLiveView, I’m not seeing any Peers (out/in) in either the relay or the BP. Also I noticed that the “transactions” status on the BP is blank whereas the “transaction” on the relay has a number in the field. Would appreciate your advice on how to fix these two points.

Thanks and regards,



ON BP u should pointing manually your Relay in topology file,
also check the relay port, if it’s allowing the income connections. can you give me the IP of relay?

On relay you should run topology updater script to announce your node into the network.
What is the last message log from topology updater script?


Hi there, thanks for the pointers. I don’t think I’ve run the topology updater script yet. How does one go about running the topology updater script on the relay?


Are u using cntools?
If not try to configure topology updater script from here step 14

Hi there,

I’ve run the but there is no output messages. Not sure I have edited the script correctly. Which variables / lines in the script need to be changed to match my settings?

Thanks again for your help!


It should generate a log with message …204 glade you are staying with us! Or 504… nice to met u

U need to edit the custom peer field where u must add ur BP ip and port

Also on ur BP u must add ur relay ip and port manually in the topology file


Hello, I’d like to ask if my Peers input in gLiveView is show 0, while out is around 20-40, is this still OKAY?, i also get the notification in logs TraceNodeNotLeade tho, also my tx0 balance not synchronize with my wallet.

0 is bad! U need to have IN peers!
Regarding ur wallet… did u imported it?

Can u tell me the ticker?


yes i import them, i followed the tutorial from coin cashew, and also in BP node, I also only open ssh port and relay port with only specific to my relay IP.
Another thing in my relay node, i open BP port (topology) to all IP (internet), ssh,

my ticker information [OSI] OpenSourceID | Cardano Staking



  • if u imported the wallet and u did a transaction from daedalus then ur balance will not match and u will see 0 on BP, you need to send again funds from daedalus to your wallet address from BP
  • in BP you should open ur local port to accept connections from relay (not the relay port as I unserstood u did)
    for example… if your BP started with CNODE PORT 6001…

sudo ufw allow proto tcp from RELAY_IP to any port 6001

  • on ur relay u will need to open the local CNODE PORT . for example if u start the relay with port 6005 then

sudo ufw status allow proto tcp from any to any port 6005

also on ur relay u will need to add ur BP IP+ port in the topology updater script to custom PEERS


Hello Alex thanks for your kind reply,
I manage to solve this, while also searching to this forum and has similar issue with me (PEERS IN 0), and the result quite silly that I forget to edit env file port to match with my port.
That’s also you recommend to change this in other forum, so Thanks again!

I still new to learn block chain and excited to learn this Cardano compare to other!, In regards to my wallet:
i used this command
cardano-cli query utxo
–address $(cat payment.addr)

Is my different number amount wallet gonna be problem?, because I open daedulus and yoroi wallet is synchronized, but not with my BP,

in the last point, i confuse with the CNODE_HOSTNAME for topology_updater, is this need to be changed?, or still remain?, the issue of Peers IN is resolved, but the wallet is not.

Again Thanks Alex


Regarding ur wallet, if u import the wallet with mnemonic option u will need to perform all transactions from BP not from daedalus or yoroi

In other words if u inported a daedalus wallet and after u will make transactions from daedalus wallet then the balance will not match and u will see 0 balance on BP

Ah okay, another question is, if my balance is not synchronize, Is that become problem in the future, or to the environment?, should I change my wallet address?, is that possible?.

Another thing after I edit topology updater, for adding custom peers, i get error msg": "invalid blockNo ,

I would ask also if my relay IP using cname: in my case:, should I change in CNODE_HOSTNAME CHANGE ME?,

if ur balance will not match and ur balance will be 0 on BP, then when u will want to make transactions you will receive an error (but can be fixed if u will send again the ADA to the BP wallet address)

Another thing after I edit topology updater, for adding custom peers, i get error msg": "invalid blockNo ,

what did u edited more precisely?

I would ask also if my relay IP using cname: in my case:, should I change in CNODE_HOSTNAME CHANGE ME?,

I think yes, as they commented
CNODE_HOSTNAME=“CHANGE ME” # (Optional) Must resolve to the IP you are requesting from