Jormungandr future

Hey all,

What is the long term vision of jormungandr? Is it still an aspiring blockchain node?

I understand that majority of the development effort would be focused on cardano-node as it is the de-facto standard for operators. But Jormungandr seems to be pretty far behind. On a side note, I wanna applaud the continuous effort of the few core contributors who are grinding out commits week after week. Good work team!

As a SPO and a Rust developer, I would love to be able to operate the pool with it instead, if it is more on par with cardano-node.

If it helps, I would love to contribute. Perhaps start off with some issues that have been pending for over a year now. Let me know how I could be a part of this!

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I think new features like native tokens, smart contracts wont be implemented so it is limited what ITN can serve…

That’s a real shame. I was hopeful it’ll catch up one day. Also, realised that cardano-rust is idle for a while… Have the team given up on it?

Good question - better to ask them directly on github…

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