Kes Rotation , Op cert ok?

Hello guys ,
I have a doubt … After rotate my kes keys before expire … this is what I am seeing now.
Kes change seems OK , but not sure why OP cert is all in ? | ? | ?

─ CORE ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ KES current|remaining|exp         : 849 | 62 | 2024-03-05 10:44 CET  │
│ OP Cert disk|node|chain           : ? | ? | ?                      

:~/cardano-my-node$ cardano-cli query kes-period-info --mainnet --socket-path /home/cardano/cardano-my-node/db/socket --op-cert-file $NODE_HOME/node.cert
✓ Operational certificate's KES period is within the correct KES period interval
✗ No blocks minted so far with the operational certificate at: /home/cardano/cardano-my-node/node.cert
  On disk operational certificate counter: 1
    "qKesCurrentKesPeriod": 849,
    "qKesEndKesInterval": 911,
    "qKesKesKeyExpiry": "2024-03-05T09:44:51Z",
    "qKesMaxKESEvolutions": 62,
    "qKesNodeStateOperationalCertificateNumber": null,
    "qKesOnDiskOperationalCertificateNumber": 1,
    "qKesRemainingSlotsInKesPeriod": 8029831,
    "qKesSlotsPerKesPeriod": 129600,
    "qKesStartKesInterval": 849

did u ever make a block?
If not is ok


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Hey Alex,
No ,I’ve never done some block.

Then is fine
This is valid

“qKesNodeStateOperationalCertificateNumber”: null,
“qKesOnDiskOperationalCertificateNumber”: 1,



Hi Alex,

What should the values be if I did one block some epochs ago?

Check the op number used for that block (on And use next incremental number (+1).


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