I have lost all my VM on cloud where my producer and relays nodes were running. I have my pledge on those nodes, and need to recover my stake pool from cold node if its possible or at least recover my pledges using the cold keys.
Is there any guide or step by step to perform this?
Thanks in advance!!!
U will need a node synced in order to perform transactions
Did u used coincashew guide when u created the pool?
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Setup 1 relay as on the guide from cardano developers or coincashew to get a working machine with cardano-cli
optionally sync the node to 100% by running it / alternatively navigate to Cardano Explorer and check the actual slot mumber
get your keys from your wallet on that machine
create a simple transaction as posted above from jacob (use the slotnumber + 1000 from explorer) and move your funds to any wallet you want
Let me know if i can help. Regards
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Yes I did … I need to create a new node just using same cert?? It s matter that the cold node is an older version than the new one ?
You are right. Version shouldnt matter. Only keys & certs are relevant to restore
If u have the old files including op.cert and the vrf files then u don’t need to do anything… u will need to retire the pool if this is what u want and move the funds from pledge wallet to another wallet (u will receive 500 ADA next epoch after u will retire the pool as rewards)
How can I retire the pool and transfer the pledge without an active node ?? Just connecting the cold node to internet and creating a new trx?
Thanks for your help, is really useful!!
Did you download the cli and node to your could computer?
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you could follow this guide.
# Retiring a Stake Pool
To retire a pool we need to:
0. Make sure that any pool owners are aware of your retirement intention and will not remove their Pledge until the pool has retired.
1. Create a **deregistration certificate** and specify an epoch when your pool will retire. There is a limit on how far in the future this can be (given by a protocol parameter - see below). Make sure you give sufficient time for delegators to switch pools
2. Submit the certificate to the blockchain with a **transaction**
3. Notify your delegators of your intention to retire the pool using your usual communication mechanisms. Wallets and other tools should highlight that the pool is retiring and discourage new delegations.
4. Keep your system working normally until we reach the epoch you chose on the certificate for the pool to expire. Retirement takes place when the first block of the selected epoch is processed (before the transactions for that block are processed.)
5. Move your funds out from your pledge address to a different wallet.
6. When the pool is effectively retired, the pool deposit is sent back to the rewards account.
7. **Wait for any pending rewards to be paid.**
8. Withdraw any rewards and pool deposit from the rewards account.
9. **Once you have successfullly withdrawn your rewards and deposit, de-register the stake key**
**Do NOT deregister your stake key before the pool deposit is paid back to your rewards account or your pool deposit will have no place to go and will be sent to the treasury.**
The deregistration certificate contains the _epoch_ in which we want to retire the pool. This epoch must be _after_ the current epoch and _not later than_ `eMax` epochs in the future, where `eMax` is a protocol parameter.
This file has been truncated. show original
for this you need a machine running cardano-cli.
to follow along the guide you should have run the nodes once to sync it.
you will need your cold keys
& payment keys
on this machine.
There are some other guides online as well - the all are pretty the same and requirements will always be a cardano-cli
node with keys on it to create the transaction.
Regards, obi
You’ll need a synced node
27 February 2022 20:36
Hi! Out of curiosity what VPS provider shut you down?