Looking to retire and withdraw pledge but..problems

I fell way behind on Node updates. Im looking to retire and withdraw.
CNTOOLS and Gliveview wont start.
I get the message:
“CNTOOLS terminated cleaning up”

Is my pledge doomed?

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What version node are you running? Have you updated recently?

what do you get if you run journactl --unit=cardano-node --follow ?

I havent updated in a long time.
My node is stuck on 8.1.2

You’ll need to update to 10.1.4
How did you install your nodes before? Using a guide?

You just need to be able to submit the retire transaction. So once you get updated, synced, you should be able to submit the transaction and get your deposit back.

At this point I cant even start CNTOOLS
Is there a workaround? Can I upgrade another way?

You don’t need to get the original node running at all.

You only need a node somewhere. Doesn’t have to be configured as a pool at all. You can freshly install it even on some desktop at home (and maybe use Mithril to bring down days of syncing to just a couple of hours).

You just need your cold .skey and .vkey file and the stake.skey and payment.skey file of your pledge and reward address (assuming that is the same address).

You then build a pool deregistration certificate, sign and submit it, wait for your 500 ADA deposit to arrive, withdraw it from the stake address and send everything to wherever you want it.

(In fact, wouldn’t even really need a node running, but I don’t know any guides building the certificates and transactions without cardano-cli and that needs a node running.)

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Yeah, I figured if he hasn’t got the stake pool node running, rebuilding it won’t be any more trouble than getting another node running.

@DrSicks you could follow this guide, but you’d probably need to tweak it based on where the executables for your install sit Upgrade to 10.1.4 for Coincashew users

I appreciate the help.
Ill build a new node and Ill go from there.
I would have liked to continue to maintain the pool, but I really relied on the ease of CNTOOLS.
Without it, Im lost

Don’t know. Getting a node running is just downloading the executables from https://github.com/IntersectMBO/cardano-node/releases, the configuration from https://book.world.dev.cardano.org/env-mainnet.html, and optionally Mithril from https://github.com/input-output-hk/mithril/releases to not have to wait days.

I really don’t get where the belief that everybody has to build from source and make it uber-complicated comes from.

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Yeah, fair point re just downloading the executables. Habit I guess,

After all those years, I am also lowkey angry at CoinCashew for making their copy and paste stuff so needlessly complicated.

Retiring a stake pool is just cardano-cli conway stake-pool deregistration-certificate, cardano-cli conway transaction build using some input UTxO that has enough on it and letting everything just go to a --change-address, cardano-cli conway transaction sign, cardano-cli conway transaction submit and ready. All the calculations that nobody understands and everybody gets wrong are superfluous.

Ill try upgrading first. Thank you

Yeah, but people will also do things differently. It doesn’t have to be just one approach. Some people are comfortable with the guides, some would rather just run CNtools, which I feel is less involved that following a guide.

Is the guide that complicated?

P.S. sorry to hijack @DrSicks thread…