Manual config EKG_HOST EKG_PORT

Hi All,

Ive got two cardano-node instances running on the same host, when attempting to run gLiveview for the second node instance i get the error:

ERROR: You specified 12788 as your EKG port, but it looks like the cardano-node (PID: 2148619 ) is not listening on this port. Please update the config or kill the conflicting process first.

ERROR: gLiveView failed to load common env file
Please verify set values in 'User Variables' section in env file or log an issue on GitHub

Is there a way to specify at node startup what EKG_HOST address and PORT to use, i.e. not the default ones. As its conflicting with the other instance of cardano-node i have running.

check inside env, u should find there

Hi Alex,

thanks for the reply. The EKG port is what cardano-node is listening on right? so i would need to specify a port that cardano-node listens on at startup? i can see the env file that gLiveview looks at:

EKG_HOST=                                     # Set node EKG host IP
EKG_PORT=12788                                         # Override automatic detection of node EKG port

but if i change these, its only for glive right? not what cardano-node is listening on.

looks like in config.json there is:

  "hasEKG": 12788,
  "hasPrometheus": [

ill have a go at changing this, then start the node

so changing the EKG port to just something “else” doesnt seem to help with gLive and/or cncli

 "hasEKG": 12888,
  "hasPrometheus": [

not sure how exactly to apply a different port/address for gLive or cncli to talk to the node on.

The error from cncli sync is:

ERROR: You specified 12888 as your EKG port, but it looks like the cardano-node (PID: 566685 ) is not listening on this port. Please update the config or kill the conflicting process first.
sleeping for 10s and testing again...